Lemongrass Lodge i Beau Vallon

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SeychellerneLemongrass Lodge



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Beau Vallon, Seychelles
kontakter telefon: +248 2 816 414
internet side: www.lemongrasslodge.sc
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -4.6022767, Longitude: 55.4354701

kommentar 5

  • Robin Monegier

    Robin Monegier


    Well situated room. The closest beach is one of the most beautiful in Beau Vallon. There's a very steep slope to get there. Either you have a car or you are in a very good physical condition. The room itself was a bit noisy. You can clearly hear the upstairs neighbors. Finally, although the hosts are welcoming, I would advise not to book the taxi through them as they practice their own prices which won't be in your favour.

  • Chaitali Ralhan

    Chaitali Ralhan


    It's uphill but once you reach there it is a nice place to stay in... From the balcony you have such beautiful view... The owners are quite friendly and generous.. Overall a very good experience and stay.. Thanks philippa and baya :)

  • Punyadeep Singh

    Punyadeep Singh


    Great views and super helpful guys! They'll make sure you'll get everything you need. Super clean, lovely garden and self catering options. You've got everything here. Just get a car if you don't like to/or cannot climb a steep uphill. Everything else is 5/5. Cheers!

  • en



    Awesome place to stay at, really really nice hosts, apartments are clean, service is perfect. Would recommend it without a doubt and will book it again!

  • Annisha Victor

    Annisha Victor


    Will recommend

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