Sunset Beach Hotel i Glacis

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SeychellerneSunset Beach Hotel


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kontakter telefon: +248 4 261 111
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Latitude: -4.585648, Longitude: 55.43243

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amruta Kulkarni


    We had such a good time at the sunset beach hotel. It's right by the ocean. You get a sea facing room, the restaurant is by the beach. They had a private beach too. This is a beautiful hotel and much affordable than the rest in the area. Really loved this hotel and we would highly recommend this to anyone.

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    Mario Mankowski


    Great location, friendly staff, room was clean. However the hotel itself is dated and pool was a little dirty.

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    Akhil Vinod


    The ocean view rooms are literally less than 50 ft away and the views are amazing.

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    Cpt Cla Cc


    Excellent resort, price good food good! If we compare price with other amazing places I think the compromise is more than excellent! Bar serve good and different kinds of cocktails, the bar tender have nice actitud also duty manager during dinner pass to asking how is all. Pool is ok nice beach close to the rooms! If you looking for something no expansive and nice that is the right place for you!

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    Aslam Haffejee


    Stayed in this hotel in march 2017. The hotel itself is a bit dated and needs some work but the location is amazing. The beach offers amazing snorkelling which really was the highlight of the trip. The views from the room were really good also.

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