Jessies Guest House Seychelles i Mahe

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SeychellerneJessies Guest House Seychelles


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Beau Vallon, Mahe', Mahe, Seychelles
kontakter telefon: +248 2 534 116
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Latitude: -4.614494, Longitude: 55.4313254

kommentar 5

  • Beat Peter

    Beat Peter


    Nicht Hotel sondern B+B ! Sehr sauber. Grosszügige Zimmer. Gutes Frühstück mit div. Früchten aus eigenem Garten. Beach, Bus-Halte, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Restaurants und ATM: IN 5 bis 10 Minuten zu Fuss erreichbar.

  • it

    Vito T


    Bellissimo luogo dove passare le vacanze. Merita 5 stelle per la posizione, per le stanze ampie, eleganti e accoglienti. La famiglia che gestisce la guest house meriterebbe 10 stelle per il suo senso di ospitalità che è molto al di sopra del comune senso di ospitalità professionale.

  • Rajashree Ramanadhan

    Rajashree Ramanadhan


    Neat clean place very close to Beau Vallon Beach.. Lovely hosts too.. Highly recommended

  • simone bernasconi

    simone bernasconi


    Quite cheap as for the average in Seyschelles, room with ac 120€ per night. There are also rooms without ac (I suggest you the ac as it's extremely humid). Included there's breakfast every morning from 6 till 10. The owner, Jessie, is a fantastic lady, extremely helpful and polite. Talk to her if you need anything or want to organise any sort of tour or car rental (extremely suggested on the island). Overall experience, positive!

  • en

    Oliver Larcher


    The rooms are a bit small and retro, but very clean and quiet. No air-conditioning. Very friendly staff!

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