Morne Seychelles National Park de Grand Anse Village

SeychellesMorne Seychelles National Park


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Grand Anse Village, Seychelles
contact téléphone: +248 2 536 389
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -4.6488523, Longitude: 55.4194753

commentaires 5

  • en

    Anthony Mazzoni


    Mahe is an interesting granite island with steep slopes and nice beaches. Rented a car and made the drive around the island. There are a lot of switch backs in the road as you go up and back down the mountains.




    Lots of trails to explore while going through it. Make sure u carry a guide with you. Lush green forest, twisty windy roads.

  • Anny Banane

    Anny Banane


    So many places and trails to visit on the national park..choose the right ones for your own capacity and thrills. #adventureteam

  • Elaine Borges-Ibanez

    Elaine Borges-Ibanez


    Seychelles National Park is a place of outstanding natural beauty full of great walking trails, diverse vegetation and unexpected chance meetings of fascinating locals up in the mountains.

  • Mazdak Farzone

    Mazdak Farzone


    Beautiful place to hike, we tried the Anse Major trail; easy to take a bus to the start of the trail as well. Don't forget to bring plenty of water and food shoes as the trail is a little tricky. Also there's a beach at the end of the trail, bring snorkeling gear too if you're interested. You can easily spend the day there and when you're done with the beach you can take the boat taxi back for 200 rupees/person, or walk back if you have the energy :)

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