Gran Kaz Casino de Victoria

SeychellesGran Kaz Casino



🕗 horaire

Mercury House, Francis Rachel Street, Victoria, Seychellen
contact téléphone: +248 4 303 780
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -4.625889, Longitude: 55.453458

commentaires 5

  • Shantilal Dhanjee

    Shantilal Dhanjee


    Good bar selections + snacks Slots and tables Town centre Good music + live entertainment

  • fr

    Christine Francoise


    Boissons payantes au prix fort même vous êtes joueurs

  • Clive Coutinho

    Clive Coutinho


    Crew hear is very disrespectful specially the security guard on door they treat outsiders rudely wherein they don't even utter a word for da same mistake done by da local.... Please treat everyone equally

  • en

    Hughes Lespoir


    I love the atmosphere. The system of putting money on your card is excellent. It is easy to move from one machine to the next. No one fighting for the machine no beggar compared to Amusement Centre. Keep it up

  • en

    neel rao


    I used to go in casino but Gran kaz is the best casino in Seychelles. The environment of the casino and slots area is nice. Slots machines are also of modern technology. Also in Mercury Bar inside the casino, have all kind of drinks available in lower price compare to other places. Also i visited in casino area in afternoon to play on Roulette tables. Very nice experience.!!!

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