Eden Island SC

SeychellesEden Island


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Eden Island, Seychelles
contact téléphone: +248
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -4.6384732, Longitude: 55.4769334

commentaires 5

  • Marco La Gona

    Marco La Gona


    It's good to be back

  • S.S Patel

    S.S Patel


    We came to Eden Island a few times as when you take part in a boat tour this is where the boat usually departs from. Eden Island is a man made island and has been around for 20 or so years so it’s fairly new. There are so many different types of boats on the docks.

  • Konichiwa Everyone

    Konichiwa Everyone


    Nice and beautiful but surely not worth the price. There is a shopping mall but it is also very expensive.

  • Herman Ito

    Herman Ito


    Great place to rent a villa and enjoy the quiet time!

  • Harshit Sethia

    Harshit Sethia


    Artificial island. It is really beautiful. Private boats

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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