CAFE de l' HORLOGE de La Riviere Anglaise

SeychellesCAFE de l' HORLOGE


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Francis Rachel Street, La Riviere Anglaise, SC Seychelles
contact téléphone: +248 4 323 556
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -4.6233013, Longitude: 55.45224

commentaires 5

  • David Ende

    David Ende


    Extreme unfriendly Staff...very upset faces by the waitress Ladies...Simple Pizza needs 40 minutes. Please do not eat there! Expensive...very slow...unfriendly... tourist Joke!

  • 백현덕



    Unkind staff members especially for Asians because they always smiling to Europeans but my family felt unpleasant experience.

  • Kevin Gotchet

    Kevin Gotchet


    Horrible service and poor quality of food. For a group of 2 you will need 2+ hours for eating and that's only if your lucky enough to get a menu within 10 min after sitting down. If you choose to eat here get ready for some varsity level indifference to your experience.

  • Ramon V.

    Ramon V.


    Very unfriendly staff. They seem to not care at all. Also very slow service.

  • Jaakko Parkkinen

    Jaakko Parkkinen


    location, location, location. cold drinks.

Restaurant la plus proche

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