Britannia Hotel de Grand Anse

SeychellesBritannia Hotel


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Grand Anse, Seychelles
contact téléphone: +248 2 838 888
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -4.327362, Longitude: 55.7199007

commentaires 5

  • en

    Graham Clements


    Great restaurant. Super helpful staff. Great food. Thanks guys.

  • fr

    Jean Claude SAUNIER


    bon hôtel belles chambres comme un petit appartement restauration et petit déjeuné bien personnels a l'écoute et sympathiques belle piscine bord de mer restaurants et commerces a 10 minutes a pied

  • fr

    Emmanuelle Libertino


    Très bel hôtel. Propreté RAS. Personnel très serviable. Nourriture excellente. Seul bémol la plage la plus proche n'est pas la plus belle de l'île ni la plus adaptée à la baignade quand la marée est basse.

  • Lothar Reeg

    Lothar Reeg


    Very good restaurant!

  • Brandon Changtime

    Brandon Changtime


    Beautiful place very modern with spacious room for me and my family. Every thing about it was perfect. The restaurant served the best fish and chicken curry myself and my wife have ever eaten. We stayed there recently just got back to Australia. Highly recommend this place to anyone, would definitely go back there again. Thank-you to all the kind staff and the owner Lidia for being so friendly and cooperative.

Lodging la plus proche

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