Tea Factory i Port Glaud

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SeychellerneTea Factory



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Sans Soucis Road, Port Glaud, SC Seychelles
kontakter telefon: +248
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Latitude: -4.6627112, Longitude: 55.4379022

kommentar 5

  • Gauthier Roebroeck

    Gauthier Roebroeck


    Utterly useless. There is nothing to see here, people don't care at all about you. The shop is closed, and you can see through the window that they have 2 old crappy box of tea to sell.

  • en

    Pavel Lipovský


    The production was not operating so we didn't take the tour. Small shop with their products. Better was the nature trail in the tea plantation. The viewd are nice from the factory and the nature traol too.

  • Mark Robson

    Mark Robson


    Amazing views as it is near the top of one of the mountains. Staff were unresponsive, probably the heat. They interacted well once prompted. Lovely tea

  • Marius Juraitis

    Marius Juraitis


    Great view ! It was closed for visitors since I visited on Sunday. Would be nice to taste their tea, but I think not available even on weekdays. I give 3 stars, because could be much better with proper care.

  • en



    An old small factory with very limited space and equipments! Now mostly used for packing tea. There is small shop that sell their packed tea. Fantastic view is the main reason to visit this place. No entrance fee to visit!

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