News Cafe i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SeychellerneNews Cafe


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Trinity House,Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Seszele
kontakter telefon: +248 4 322 999
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Latitude: -4.621213, Longitude: 55.452356

kommentar 5

  • Pascal Monteil

    Pascal Monteil


    Lieu et accueil très agréable, D'excellents jus de fruits fait maison ! Merci Geneviève pour se plaisir de dégustation douce aux saveurs tropicales !

  • Aleksandra Czernecka

    Aleksandra Czernecka


    Me and my husband had ham and cheese croissants, breakfast in the glass, tea and he had banana juice. Breakfast in the glass was really nice, thick and tasty, croissants were heavy with cheese, tea was in a generous size pot. The banana juice was watered down and my husband hated it, so maybe skip this one. The cafe is nicely decorated and has multiple fans to keep you cool. The prices are reasonable - we paid 360Rs for the above order. Ask for the key if you want to use the toilets (they are clean and only few steps away). I'd come back to try ice cream with Bailey's.

  • Anja Wonner

    Anja Wonner


    Nettes Café in Victoria. Die Milchshakes und Säfte sind lecker, aber nichts Besonderes.

  • Zaigham Burney

    Zaigham Burney


    Other reviews are a bit deceiving. The cafe is on the first floor, above the bank of Baroda. It's got a nice view below of the street. We only had fresh juices (passion & banana // apple & mint & cucumber) which were excellent. There were a few parties around us that ate food. Portions and quality looked good, very home style. Staff were friendly and professional. Recommended for a little break during your tour of Victoria.

  • en

    krishnan venkateshwaran


    Good food. Excellent juices.

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