Bus Station i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SeychellerneBus Station


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Victoria, Seychelles
kontakter telefon: +248
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Latitude: -4.6192426, Longitude: 55.4543437

kommentar 5

  • Satish Pendse

    Satish Pendse


    It's like any typical bus station. Sufficiently large with lots of platforms for multiple buses to arrive and depart simultaneously. Each platform is well marked, indicating the place where the busted will go from there. Makes it convenient, especially for a new comer like me. Good waiting arrangement for passengers. Benches arranged in such a way that people can sit while being in the queue. Good helpdesk, providing all the required information adequately. People in general are willing to help.

  • George Benaroya

    George Benaroya


    My compliments to Seychelles on their public bus system. $/€ 0.50 will take you anywhere in the island. One fare makes it easy to ride. Published schedules

  • George Krajnovic

    George Krajnovic


    Bus here is well....just super exciting...Cant even explain how fun this ride can be, and cheap 15 rupees! Drivers are beyond skilfull. You are safer in the bus than in a rental car. A+

  • Ronald Kuhn

    Ronald Kuhn


    Der zentrale Busbahnhof befindet sich nördlich vom Stadtzentrum von Victoria (Seychellen). Für afrikanische Verhältnisse ist der ÖPNV hier sehr gut ausgebaut, die Busse sind aber nicht mehr die neuesten. Günstiger kann man sich auf Mahé nicht fortbewegen. Sitzplätze im Wartebereich und ein WC sind vorhanden.

  • bernhard krebs

    bernhard krebs


    Emssiges Treiben gute Beschriftung super Preise und fast immer pünktlich . Immer gerne

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